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Sunday, February 25, 2007

News Items you might have missed

BBC radio has given little or no coverage to these items. 1. Denmark has announced that it is withdrawing its troops from Iraq by August 2007. The 500 Danish troops currently serve under British command. The bad news is apparently Denmark is sending troops to Afghanistan. 2. Lithuania has also made noises about withdrawing its troops from Iraq. It is difficult to get hard news about this. Link to above stories at Democracy Now here. 3. Poland and the Czech Republic have been earmarked by the US as countries to 'host' new installations for the so called 'Anti-Ballistic Weapons Defence System' (Son of Star Wars). Two major parties in the Czech Republic, the Communists and the Social democrats are supporting the Anti Bases Movement. Opinion polls show that the majority of Czechs are against this installation. I have no more news at present about opposition within Poland. Link to Radio Prague report here.


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