Welcome to Bennett's World: a collection of articles and references covering a wide variety of topics in which I am involved. I am a very political person but I have no allegiance to any political party. Follow me on twitter @colinhove

Friday, December 07, 2012

Bradley Manning's 25th Birthday

I'm sure many of you are following the horrendous events concerning the incarceration and the legal processes concerning PFC Bradley Manning. You will know that he brought to the first public hearing a diagram of the 8ft by 4ft cell that he was kept in for at least 23 hours a day. You will also know that in Kuwait he was kept for two months in an animal cage 8ft by 8ft by 8ft.

The main point of this blog post is to remind you that Bradley's 25th birthday is on 17 December 2012. This will be his third birthday behind bars. You might well wish to send him a greeting in accordance with the message from the Bradley Manning Support Network. Here is the hyperlink:


Good luck!



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