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Wednesday, April 08, 2015

"Justice" in the USA!

There was a very useful broadcast by Democracy Now! on 6 April 2015. Here is the link:


There were three main stories:

1. The release after nearly 30 years on death row in Alabama of Anthony Ray Hinton. The situation of poor people, especially black people in the USA, under the criminal law system and penal system is barbaric beyond words. This is a very moving account of what happened and one can only admire Mr Hinton and his lawyer who like other lawyers, including some from the UK, are doing what they can in very difficult circumstances.

2. This is the case of Glenn Ford who after being wrongly convicted and on death row in Louisiana is being denyied compensation by the state even though he is now dying of cancer - a second death sentence.

3. This concerns the welcome decision of the American Pharmacists Association urging its members not to prescribe drugs to be used in executions


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