Perth Paper by Colin Bennett of the UK
Paper by Colin Bennett of the UK
for the 14th DbI World Conference in Perth, WA, September 2007
I must apologise to my readers for not having put a posting on my blog for some time. This does not mean that I have been idle - far from it. I have just had so many other things to do including writing a Paper for the 14th DbI World Conference that will be held in Perth, Western Australia in September 2007. I am fortunate in that I am representing Sense at this conference and will be presenting the Paper there. I must stress that the Paper reflects my own views and not those of Sense.
To see this paper which is called: Identification and Control by UN Member States of Weapons Designed to Cause Blindness and/or Deafness, click here.
There is also a powerpoint 'slideshow' which you can see by clicking here.