Welcome to Bennett's World: a collection of articles and references covering a wide variety of topics in which I am involved. I am a very political person but I have no allegiance to any political party. Follow me on twitter @colinhove

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Amy Goodman on Bradley Manning

 One of the world's leading cause célèbre at the moment is that of Pfc. Bradley Manning. No doubt many of my readers are actively engaged in combating the terrible injustice done to Bradley.

Amy Goodman, respected presenter of Democracy Now!, gave a summary of the case so far on the Democracy Now! website on 13 December 2012. Here is a hyperlink:


Michael Moore on the Newtown, Connecticut shootings

I meant to make this post before Christmas but... you know how it is!

I think this address, given by renowned U.S. film director Michael Moore in New York on Friday the 14th of December is worth referring to. He paints a vivid picture of the situation in the U.S. when it comes to gun control or rather lack of control. I found this item on Democracy Now! and here is a hyperlink:


Friday, December 14, 2012

Sick-making hypocracy in Oslo, Norway on 10 December 2012

Thinking people across our war-torn planet will have reached for their sick-bags on learning that the European Union had received the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, Norway on 10 December 2012. What bigger insult could there have been to the memory of peace maker Alfred Nobel than this travesty? It was said that when the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Henry Kissinger that satire had lost its meaning. Many of us felt the same way when Barack Obama received the Nobel Peace prize in 2009 while he was engaging in two wars and preparing more. There was a big demonstration in Oslo on the day that he received the Peace Prize and gave a very eloquent though deceitful speech.

As so often, Democracy Now gave a good account of 10 December 2012 and you might like to view this video from that worthwile US radio/tv station.

Julian Assange and WikiLeaks in Australia

Readers will know that I often pass on snippets of info about WikiLeaks and Bradley Manning. Today I am giving you this hyperlink to news about the plan for Julian Assange to stand as a candidate for the Senate and for WikiLeaks to form a political party in that country.


As well as accessing this particular hyperlink you might like to go onto the 'mailing list' for WikiLeaks.


Walking and eating in Sussex on 13 December 2012

For many decades walking has been my main hobby. Living in Brighton and Hove with the South Downs all around us has been a wonderful opportunity to go rambling. For over forty years I've been a member of the RA 200 branch (Brighton and Hove) of the Ramblers Association. Every year we have a Christmas lunch for the old timers. I've missed them in recent years but I was determined not to do so yesterday. We went for a five mile walk in the glorious sunshine and crisp air (i.e. cold) followed by a good lunch at the Laughing Fish in Isfield. Photos are on my flickr photo gallery: http://flic.kr/s/aHsjDbYedK

Friday, December 07, 2012

Rafael Correa's New South America

You might have overlooked this news item as I didn't hear about it on the BBC (surprise, surprise)! I in turn overlooked making a blog post about it, but here it is now. I heard about it from WikiLeaks Central, and here is a hyperlink:



WikiLeaks and the Sundance Film Festival in Salt Lake City in January 2012

I think this event will interest many of us, not only those in the USA. You can read more about it in this message from WikiLeaks Central. Here is the hyperlink:


Bradley Manning's 25th Birthday

I'm sure many of you are following the horrendous events concerning the incarceration and the legal processes concerning PFC Bradley Manning. You will know that he brought to the first public hearing a diagram of the 8ft by 4ft cell that he was kept in for at least 23 hours a day. You will also know that in Kuwait he was kept for two months in an animal cage 8ft by 8ft by 8ft.

The main point of this blog post is to remind you that Bradley's 25th birthday is on 17 December 2012. This will be his third birthday behind bars. You might well wish to send him a greeting in accordance with the message from the Bradley Manning Support Network. Here is the hyperlink:


Good luck!
