Welcome to Bennett's World: a collection of articles and references covering a wide variety of topics in which I am involved. I am a very political person but I have no allegiance to any political party. Follow me on twitter @colinhove

Sunday, May 20, 2018

More propaganda from the immigration industry

Please help stop illegal immigration into the UK and thwart those profiting from it...

I received this email from 38 Degrees, of which I am a member, as no doubt others did. It is a shameless attempt to encourage illegal immigration into the UK by people smugglers, slave employers and immigration lawyers.

I have done the opposite of what 38 Degrees have asked me to do. I have not signed a petition to let this person stay here. Instead, I am drawing your attention to this matter and I hope that you will encourage the Home Office and MPs to have proper controls on immigration, legal and illegal.

*Ten-year-old orphan ‘Stephen’ was picked up by gangsters in Vietnam and 
trafficked to the UK. For five years he lived through hell*, forced to work 
farming cannabis in terrible conditions. Luckily, *he was rescued by the 
police*, fostered by a local vicar and started a new life. *But now he’s over 
eighteen, the Home Office want to deport him.* [1]

It’s an ordeal no one should be put through. *As part of their clampdown on 
child trafficking the government has promised to “put victims first”. *[2] *But 
the government is failing Stephen*. After the Windrush scandal the Home Office 
has promised to become more compassionate, together we can make sure they do the 
right thing for Stephen. [3]

*A huge petition, signed by hundreds of thousands of us*, just as the Home 
Office is under pressure to change,*could be the boost Stephen’s case needs*. It 
could be enough to make sure they let Stephen stay in the country he calls home. 
*But we don’t have long. Stephen’s appeal against being deported is being heard 
in a few days*.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

An Important Message from the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC)

Right of Return Conference
Donate to PSC today (https://palestinecampaign.nationbuilder.com/regular_donation_new)
View this email in your browser (https://mailchi.mp/palestinecampaign/stoparmingisrael-hsbc-452873?e=ab86d850da)
GET YOUR TICKETS HERE! (https://www.palestinecampaign.org/events/psc-returnconf/)

Dear ,

I am thrilled to introduce you to the phenomenal line-up of speakers at our upcoming Right of Return Conference on May 20th.

@70: Palestinian Refugees and the Right of Return (https://www.palestinecampaign.org/events/psc-returnconf/) will provide attendees with the tools and information necessary to campaign for the right of return of Palestinian refugees, as enshrined in international law.

During four dynamic, innovative and engaging sessions, we will hear a range of expert voices, almost all Palestinian, speak about the Nakba; international law; refugees and their displacement, dislocation and dispersal; different Palestinian discourses of return; and how Palestinians will ultimately realise the Right of Return.
BOOK YOUR PLACE HERE (https://www.palestinecampaign.org/events/psc-returnconf/)
Our speakers are among the most highly-regarded lawyers, writers, academics, journalists and activists engaged in the Palestinian struggle for freedom, justice and equality. I’m delighted to introduce you to them below.
Session 1: The Nakba, Refugees and International Law

Ardi Imseis is a lawyer, author and academic focusing on the UN and Palestine, and was formerly an advisor to UNRWA on Palestinian refugees.

Hazem Jamjoum is a Doctoral candidate in Modern Middle East History at New York University and policy member of al-Shabaka.

Session 2: Palestinian Refugees: displacement, dislocation and dispersal

Dr Ruba Salih is a Palestinian Social Anthropologist and reader at SOAS University; and specialist in ethnographic research on Palestinian refugees.

Rania Madi is the United Nations Legal Advocacy Representative of Badil (http://www.badil.org/en/) , the Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights.
Session 3: Palestinian Discourses of Return

Amjad Iraqi is a Palestinian citizen of Israel, a writer for +972 Magazine, and Policy Member of Al-Shabaka: The Palestinian Policy Network.

Tamara Ben Halim is a Palestinian film maker and human rights activist, and Director and co-founder of Makan.

Sarona Bedwan is a Palestinian- American Masters student and Communications Officer at Makan (http://www.makan.org.uk/) .

Mohamad Fahed grew up in a refugee camp in Lebanon, and completed his MSC at UCL University, after completing his Sixth form at Eton college.

Session 4: Realising the Right of Return

Dr Ghada Karmi is a leading Palestinian activist, academic and writer.

Eitan Bronstein Aparicio is the Co-founder of De-Colonizer (https://www.de-colonizer.org/)  and founder of Zochrot.

Tareq Baconi is an author and journalist, and an Analyst at Al-Shabaka (https://al-shabaka.org/en/) : The Palestinian Policy Network.
BUY TICKETS TO THE RIGHT OF RETURN CONFERENCE (https://www.palestinecampaign.org/events/psc-returnconf/)
A final favour

Last year, with your incredible support, we took the British government to court and won, after they tried to introduce measures preventing local council pension schemes from divesting from companies complicit in Israel’s human rights violations against Palestinians.

Now the government is fighting back with an appeal, and in two weeks’ time, we’ll be back in court defending out victory against the UK government.

On Sunday, we sent you an email asking for your help, and we’ve been overwhelmed by your generosity. We need a final boost to finance our legal defence of the right to boycott.

Will you help us by contributing a few pounds to the PSC Fighting Fund?
DONATE TO THE PSC FIGHTING FUND (https://palestinecampaign.nationbuilder.com/donation)
I'm looking forward to welcoming you on the 20th.

In solidarity,
Ben Jamal
Director, Palestine Solidarity Campaign

Thanks for all your support! Running PSC campaigns costs money. ** Please consider donating to the PSC Fighting Fun (https://palestinecampaign.nationbuilder.com/regular_donation_new)
d. Every pound helps!
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Saturday, May 05, 2018

Excellent news :)

Some excellent news from CAAT:


Message from the Palestine Solidarity Campaign

I have received this message from the Palestine Solidarity Campaign. I have complied with their two suggestions:

1. Download the Nakba Resource pack (https://www.palestinecampaign.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/Nakba70-Resource-Pack.pdf) which is full of information and resources you can use to engage your community and hold events and activities.

2. Visit our dedicated page on ’70 years of Nakba’ (https://www.palestinecampaign.org/70-years-nakba/) where you can find a factsheet on the Right of Return, and social media graphics you can share.

I suggest you do the same and access these resources.